

Monday, November 29, 2010


There are many brain fitness programs that are computer based, computer focused - but they leave out one of the most important elements for a "senior" brain fitness and wellness program, and that is socialization.  One of the men in my class told me recently that he felt the value of the brain fitness exercises in our class but the contact and relationships with other class members made the experience even more valuable.  Many of our class members play online brain games at a variety of websites in addition to coming to class.  I believe it is the combination of a twice weekly class, online brain games, and brain-focused card and board games at home played with friends, that challenge the brain's plasticity.

In a class of eight participants, with an age difference of sometimes twenty years, there is a wide span of cognitive abilities.  As we know, we all have strengths and challenges in each area of brain cognition: memory, visualization, processing of information, executive processing, etc.  During any given exercise we may be able to push hard for the fastest possible processing, or sometimes be patient with one who is going to take a little longer to get on board.

Class after class, I watch participants challenge each other and also work patiently with each other.  When they work in pairs, there is value being in the "trainer" position as well as the "student" position.

It isn't always about age.  There is an 87 year old in my class who is sharp and meets every challenge.  Sometimes younger participants have had physical problems that make the activities they're doing a different kind of challenge.  As a facilitator and trainer, I push them to their cognitive limits.  Then I watch them be good to each other - patient and caring.

They share books.  They email each other with websites and articles about brain fitness.  They are often taking other classes together: exercise classes, writing personal history, playing bridge, keyboard lessons, etc.  These are classes that add to and enhance the exercises they are doing in their brain fitness class.  The absolute ideal for wellness is physical and brain fitness, which includes classes that energize brain activity.  Passive activities like crosswords and Soduku are not enough.  So...

GET MOVING!  Find your local senior community center and get busy.
